1 travellers traveller

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268 Holiday rentals in Specchia

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Apartment with 2 bedrooms 8 km from the beach

Villa for rent 8 km from the beach

Villa for rent 13 km from the beach

Villa for rent 6 km from the beach

Villa with 9 bedrooms 8 km from the beach

Villa for 10-14 people 2 km from the beach

Villa with 3 bedrooms 12 km from the beach

House for 6-7 people only 200 meters from the beach

The Green Sea Small House - Torr...

Luxury Courtyard Studio - Racale

Luxury Courtyard Mono - Racale

Tia Ranch Iv - Torre Suda

Villa Serena Maria - Marina Di F...

The Green Sea Big House - Torre ...

Trullo Macchie - Marina Di Manca...

Luxury Courtyard Bilo - Racale

Luxury Courtyard Pool - Racale

Meadow Luxury Villa - Melissano

Trullo Rifugio - Posto Rosso

Tia Pool Studio - Torre Suda

Luxury Faber Courtyard - Racale

Tia Ranch Iii - Torre Suda

Sax House - Marina Di Mancaversa

Prestige Pool Trullo - Torre Suda

Casa Estilo Espanol - Marina Di ...

Sun Beach Villa - Marina Di Manc...

Tia Ranch Ii - Torre Suda

Blu Beach Studio - Marina Di Man...

Adriatic Villa - Santa Maria Di ...

Villa Rose - Marina Di Mancaversa


travellers traveller

[[searchParams.rooms]] bedrooms or morebedroom or more

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maximum: [[searchParams.max_price]]€

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